Students Go Free on Argo
By Argo

To celebrate the Shorts! Student Short Film Fest, Argo is giving students free unlimited access to Argo for the year, when they register by April 1st 2021.


What is Argo?

  • Argo is a streaming platform for short films and documentaries, curated by global experts from the best film schools, festivals and media platforms.  
  • We are innovating curation and making streaming a sociable experience.
  • We are building a community by bringing together the best film schools, film festivals, media brands and filmmakers from around the world.

 How do playlists work on Argo? 

  • Each playlist has 4-12 films
  • Length: 45 min – 2.5 hours
  • Release: Every Thursday
  • Each playlist is created around a topic; theme; event; distinct style; etc
  • Each playlist is within a particular channel

What are channels on Argo? 

  • Channels represent the curators of the playlist.
  • The channels vary and include the most prestigious film festivals (TIFF), news sources (Guardian), film schools (USC) and Argo’s very own curators: Argo Selection.


Sounds amazing! How do I sign up:


  • Register Here
  • This offer is currently only available to students in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Register with a .edu or ac.uk email address before April 1st 2021. 



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