Argo at Sundance Film Festival London: 2021
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ARGO Joins Sundance Film Festival London: 2021 at Picturehouse Central
July 29 – August 1, 2021

Argo has teamed up with Sundance Film Festival, Picturehouse and XRM Media to celebrate the diverse voices and independent filmmakers of 2021 in London, UK. 

This year, Argo will be hosting 2 panels (1 online and 1 in-venue), throwing an epic Saturday night party, and giving away a number of Festival screening tickets and passes to our lucky users! 



-SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL is one of the most prestigious, highly acclaimed film festivals in the world. At Sundance, films (short films, feature films, and docs) premiere on the big screen, and the independent artists get awarded and recognized for their work.

-This year, Sundance Film Festival London will be held in-person at Picturehouse Central in London, UK. 

-Sundance will offer 12 features, panel discussions, Q+As and special guest appearances, both in-person and online       


Sundance Festival Ticket Passes are now on sale which gives you the best rates on tickets and priority booking access. 

Priority ticket booking is available for Picturehouse Members and Sundance Ticket Passholders.



About Sundance Film Institute: As a champion and curator of independent stories for the stage and screen, the nonprofit Sundance Institute provides and preserves the space for artists in film, theatre, film composing, and digital media to create and thrive.

About Picturehouse:  Picturehouse is an award-winning UK film company incorporating cinema, distribution and home entertainment, formed in 1989 to challenge the multiplex model.About XRM:

About XRM: XRM Media is a media technology and entertainment entity dedicated to combining compelling storytelling with innovative distribution to push the limits of creativity in both the traditional and new media space. Our mandate is to be forward looking, out of the box thinking and stay unconventional in redefining a new interaction where content and technology are seamlessly weaved together.

XRM Media’s capabilities include all stages of the development, production and distribution as well as equity financing, co-financing and fund management. Through our strategic partnerships and venture capital investments, we are willing to take risks to create unique business models, franchise concepts and/or inventive platforms that resonate for a global audience.

For further information on Argo’s presence at Sundance and future giveaways, keep an eye out for updates on the Argo social media pages. 


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