Argo Untold Stories Short Film Awards 2020
By Argo

Change the industry one short at a time. Apply here:

In order to give a spotlight to the untold stories around the world, we have created a digital short film competition focused on promoting BIPOC (Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin, Pacific Island and Indigenous) stories. We want more representation in film and your films have the power to make it happen. We encourage the creators to have a social impact by using their talents to tell stories that matter. We celebrate everyone’s experiences and cultures. And our Short Film Awards aims to spotlight those unique to Black creators, Indigenous creators, Middle Eastern creators, Asian creators, Pacific Island creators and Latinx creators. Our jury  is excited to see works that make them stop and think; short films that tell inspiring stories, counter ignorance, and drive a positive message. We want to hear from ALL creators, artists, performers, thinkers, and rebels who want to join us on our mission! To read more about why we are focusing on BIPOC stories – click here  


  • BIPOC Director Award = $3,000
  • Best Female Director = $3,000
  • Best Documentary = $3,000
  • Best Narrative = $3,000
  • Argo Impact Award** = $3,000
  • Fan Favorite = $500
  • + Runners-up awards = TBC


  • Shortlisted and prize winners will be featured on the Argo app.
  • Prize winners will also be submitted to our network of global film agencies.
  • 1-on-1 meetings with Hollywood producers and agents.
  • Winners will be screened at the London event for the Untold Stories Short Film Awards 2020 in early October (details TBC).
Argo Impact Award
We believe in creating a positive change through the power of film. Recounting from history, imagining the future, creating drama, and performing comedy: telling stories is an essential part of our identity. The Argo Impact Award will go to the short films that are most akin to that positive change.
Apply here:

  How it works

The Argo Untold Stories Short Film Awards 2020 is a digital competition. Our global curators and team of judges will review every submission and pick a shortlist of 10 films across a range of genres, themes, topics, and styles. The shortlist will be featured on the Argo platform amongst Oscar winners, esteemed institutions and industry favorites. Viewers can then vote for their favorites. Winners will be announced 16 October 2020.
Voting for the “Fan Favorite Film” will be conducted on the Argo app, beginning on 16 October 2020. The winner will be announced on 2 November 2020.

  The Jury

Check out our amazing jury of the finest filmmakers across the world:
  • Nina Yang Bongiovi, Producer (Fruitvale Station, Roxanne Roxanne, Sorry to Bother You, Dope)
  • Ross Kauffman, Director / Producer / Cinematographer (Born Into Brothels, E-Team, Postergirl)
  • Ramin Bahrani, Director / Producer / Writer (99 Homes, Chop Shop, Goodbye Solo)
  • Senain Khesghi, Director / Producer/ Writer (Divas of Karachi, Moving Stories, The Diplomat, Project Kashmir) & Managing Director of Majority Films
  • Shola Lynch, Filmmaker / Writer / Curator (Chisholm ’72, Free Angela and All Political Prisoners)
  • Angga Dwimas Sasongko Director / Producer (We are Moluccans, Letters from Prague, One Day We’ll Talk About Today) & Founder/CEO of Visinema Pictures
  • Paula Yoo  Writer / Producer (Eureka, Mozart in the Jungle, Defiance, Supergirl, and Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists) 
  • Stacy Ike  Actress / TV Host (OWN Tonight, Dirty Laundry, Giants)


  • Participants must download the Argo app in the app store or on google play.
  • Participants must follow @watch.argo (instagram) OR @watch_argo (twitter).
  • Submissions must be made through the FilmFreeway application form.
  • Submissions must have a running time of less than 35 minutes (no minimum length)
  • Can be in ANY languages, however must have English subtitles
  • Must be the rights owner
  • All runner-ups and winners will be showcased publicly on Argo platform
  • All BIPOC filmmakers are encouraged to submit films, regardless of their topic.
  • Non-BIPOC filmmakers are still encouraged to submit films, as long as their film focuses on a BIPOC narrative.

  Apply here: —————————

For any questions please reach out to:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @watch.argo
Twitter: @watch_argo
Facebook: @watchargo